


In parallel with the CLEANING EXPO fair, the CLEANING FORUM is organized, which includes lectures and speeches by well-known and experienced industry professionals. During the conference, our speakers will discuss the most important and current topics from the world of professional cleaning



No more feudalism - buy a service, not people!

Session I. The end to feudalism - Marek Kowalski, Chairman of the Federation of Polish Entrepreneurs

Session II. Quality of services and labor costs - Norbert Kusiak Director of the Department of Economic Policy and Structural Funds, All-Poland Agreement of Trade Unions

Session III. Guarantor of Cleanliness and Hygiene - a tool consolidated by 20 years of practice - Grzegorz Lang, CALPE expert

Session IV. How to order a cleaning service to get the best quality and reduce the costs of the service - Jolanta Sergot- Kowalska Cleaning Consulting

Session V. How does the Public Procurement Office see it? Agnieszka Olszewska President of the Public Procurement Office

Session VI. Arbitration and arbitration courts – Mariusz Haładyj, President of the National Prosecutor's Office.

Session VII. Expert debate



11.00 Carpets - how to clean?! - workshops with producers

12.30 We go back to the bathroom - what, how and why - workshops with producers

2:00 p.m. Stone floors are beautiful, but only if we take care of them properly! workshops with producers

* The organizer reserves the right to make changes to the program. Current updates will be available at


During the next edition of Cleaning Forum (Poznań, October 22-23, 2024), taking place together with the Cleaning Expo fair, we will propose topics and formats that have not been presented before, but we will also return to issues that we have already discussed and have gained the greatest recognition among participants. We know from many conversations among professionals that you would like to do them together again after a minor update.

On the first day, we will invite you to a single, but very interesting meeting with special guests whose knowledge and experience will provide a completely new perspective on a professional, innovative service. We want to start a slightly controversial topic, but certainly very timely. On the one hand, we are faced with a permanent lack of employees, while the customer expects a modern service based on new technologies and sustainable development; on the other hand, the ordering party imposes on us the number of full-time positions and man-hours, and the description of the subject of the order has been copied without much thought for many years.

We want to show and convince administrators and property owners that using the services of professionals and moving away from the old type of ordering services will be beneficial for each party, and additionally emphasize that such solutions are even allowed by the Public Procurement Law! Hence the title of our conference: "End feudalism - buy a service, not people!" As you will see in the Forum program, we invited an excellent group of experts to the discussion, whose knowledge and experience guarantee a successful, substantive meeting.

The second day of the Forum is traditionally a part devoted to technology. During last year's conference and shows, we discussed keeping flexible floors clean, and we want to focus on carpet flooring. The number of carpets installed, especially in office or hotel rooms, is constantly growing, and manufacturers offer more and more new material solutions. This means that we, as an industry, have to keep up with the technologies for maintaining them. During discussions and dynamic presentations, we will show you what to pay attention to when choosing work methods; We will also tell you what you absolutely must not do.


In the next block titled: "Back to the bathroom", enriched with proposals from new producers and distributors in relation to 2023, we will again present equipment and agents whose task is to operate effectively, but also to optimize the work of cleaning companies.

We cordially invite you on October 22-23, 2024, Poznań International Fair - Poznań Congress Center!

Ask for an offer See the photo and video gallery

Contact with us:

Witold Lipiński
Witold Lipiński
Liliana Biegoń